Operators of the Northampton Cattle Market say the market at Brackmills has been losing thousands of pounds a month since reopening in February 2002 after the foot-and-mouth epidemic. Local farmers mounted a campaign to raise the £2m needed to buy the market and run it themselves. But, managing director of Northamptonshire Auctions plc Keith Rose said: "It's just that this market cannot operate with these overheads - we've got to close."
The livestock market shut on 31st October 2002, and reopen the next day in Market Harborough. Since the closure in 2002, The Cattle Market has became a huge hotspot for graffiti artists, from a distance you would not even realize that the building is abandoned, however once inside the calf sale ring you understand how long it has been left for. We went on from the Sale ring into the auction room, however inside the building has no sign of art or graffiti, but instead minor fire damage, general damage and minor drug use. One room has a larger scale of fire damage to walls and celings however is still accessable. Rooms include, the main auction room, cafe, animal storage room for livestock and other storage rooms, the building is all on ground floor level and does not have any other floors or basement.
The building is well worth a visit if you enjoy seeing proper graffiti art and old agricultural history. Like always do take care when visiting sites as vandals and junkies do tend to use these sites for other reasons, this site does have signs of possible parties that have gone on as one room is absolutely full of cans of beer and cider, there is also a huge industrial skip full of alcohol etc.
Northampton Cattle Market - Brackmills - Northampton (DEMOLISHED)
Posted by
Dr. Kaoss
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
fyi this building has now been demolished
Many thanks for your update!
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