Nunn Mills power station is an old disused and gutted power station in Northampton, the River Nene runs along its northern boundary whilst an infrequently used rail freight line, together with disused tracks and siding marks the southern boundary of the site.
Further south, beyond the railway, is Delapre Abbey, which is set in an area of recreational parkland that includes a number of nature conservation designations and a golf course. The Abbey is a Grade II Listed Building and has a number of associated buildings that are listed as Grade II. The area is also the site of a registered battlefield from the Civil War.
To the north of the site, on the opposite riverbank, are two recreational areas, Beckett’s Park which is a formally laid out public park, and Midsummer Meadow, which is a more informal recreation ground.
The power station is next to the Avon Cosmetics building so is very hard to get a good look at durning the week, there is high security on what's left of the old building including CCTV and speaker systems, we took a look around the back of the site and stood where more of the building used to stand before it was nocked down and got some pretty decent photo's of what's behind there.
When going round the side of the building to try and enter what's left we were discovered by CCTV and asked to leave, which we did. Hopefully I will update this post with internal photo's at a later date as this building is rumored to have some famous graffiti inside.
For more than 10 years, graffiti artists have met at a warren of abandoned factory buildings behind the town's old power station.

The power station became known across Europe for its work, have hosted hundreds of paintings over the years, some of which took weeks to paint and cost the 'artists' hundreds of pounds. The site is now being bulldozed to make the way for the development of more than 1,000 houses, artists from across the country have begun to take notice of the work on show there.
Ah, Nunn Mills...The hidden gem of Northampton! Was sad to see it go. Where are the NFA boys now??
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