Everything Goes Quiet's Secret Photographer has finally been revealed in a personal Interview conducted by Blogspot's "Gold Street Photo." which concentrates on Photography & Photographers based in and around Northamptonshire, the blog contans some really interesting photographes, Information and Interviews on other Northampton based photographersa currently working in and around Northamptonshire.
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L&H Polymers LTD. - Northampton
L&H Polymers is located in Great Billing, Northampton adjacent to the Great billing garden centre, The factory was once a large busy place of work which developed the flooring for the Northampton bus station as well as some of the flooring in the London Underground as well as the Tokyo Underground in Japan. The business has now closed and what's left of the factory has been left to rot and decay. All of the floor's inside are damn and moss has began to grow from the stone floor. Most of the roof has fell through and all doors have been removed.
The factory has a heavy amount of good quality graffiti pieces inside and also has a very dark and cold feel around the whole place, The building has a very large amount of asbestos inside so caution has to be taken if you are thinking about visiting the site, there is also traces of factory waste in some areas of the factory which should be approached with extreme caution as they could possibly be toxic. The building itself is heavily guarded by 24/7 security, there is a cabin at the front of the site which has a permanent guard on site.
This photo above is of the main factory area, there is still some factory equipment left at the complex and a huge boiler of some sort left in the centre of the factory. When in this area I recommend wearing a dust-mask or some sort of respiratory device to keep your airway clear of any chemical of substance that may still be floating around as this room had a lot of factory waste inside.
The office and kitchen area still remain but are vandalized and there is not much that remain, this is the only piece of notable graffiti in the office area that I have seen, apart from that there was not much else to see, the corridor had a lot of dirt and mess on the walkway where floor from the second floor had partly fell through.
NSG East/Parklands Middle School - Northampton
NSG East was part of a Secondary school in Northampton. The site closed down on Tuesday 22nd July 2008 when the school decided to move both sites together, The east site was built to take the younger age group of girl between twelve and fifteen, NSG is a specialist performing arts school with both situated in Parklands, Northampton.
As you can see since closure the school has been left open to vandalism, damage and graffiti. Anything of any value whatsoever has been removed from the building including most of the interior roofing, there has also been signs of party's and drug use inside the building with beer cans and bottles of spirits in most corridors. Also, most of the building has been flooded by a fire hose which has been left to run.. Areas of flooding include the Gym, Drama studio and the staff area. All of the Gym equipment still remains including Ropes, Ladder, Poles and side climbers. The odd hockey stick was lying around but most sport equipment has been stolen.
Most of the classwork in the school has been left behind, there are also other things such as folders and notes and the odd love letter left around the building mainly in the classrooms, there was also a register and memos to cleaners and staff. The staffroom area was completely empty accept for a teachers desk, kettle and lost property box with lost clothing.
The outside area contains a football/basketball cage and playground. The surrounding area of the school consists of a large field, park and a housing estate, there was very little security at the site, there is a standard school fence around the site however the gates are left wide open for people to access which is probably down to the amount of damage on site.
St. Crispins Asylum (County Asylum) - St. Crispins - Northampton
St Crispins was a large mental hospital on the outskirts of Duston in Northamptonshire, England. It was established in the 1876 as the Berrywood Asylum. It closed in 1995 and its grounds are being developed into a new mental hospital, set to open in May 2010.
Following the closure of St. Crispin's Asylum, the main building was left abandoned for a number of years and became neglected and prone to vandalism and arson which destroyed the roof of the recreation hall. Some buildings within the grounds, notably those connected with the Princess Marina Hospital remained in use, as well as the staff social club and bowling green. The former chapel is now in use for religious purposes by the Greek orthodox religion and dedicated to St. Neophytos. The chapel and former isolation hospital are both listed at Grade II and to be incorported within the new development, The bell tower will remain and be put under restoration.
The main building itself is currently undergoing conversion to private residential use with the retention of the original male and female blocks, tower, administration block, superintendent's house and children's block being retained. Elsewhere within the grounds, the former stables and nurse's home have also been refurbished. Other later buildings and service areas have been cleared. The Pendered Centre, formerly the admission hospital, continues in use for local mental health services although the neighbouring convalescent villas have been demolished. New housing was developed on the site of staff housing and football grounds to the east of the admission hospital around 1993, although a group of early houses survive on the main road. Further housing has since been developed on open land to the west as well.
By 1884, and completed 1887 further extensions took place, creating a new block for idiot and imbecile children adjacent to the female wing, blocks for epileptics on either side, a resevoir and fire station, stable yard and an isolation hospital with a distinctive pyramidal roofline. A stone chapel and mortuary were also constructed.
With the onset of World War I, the institution accommodated some of the inmates evacuated from the Norfolk County Asylum, until 1916, when Berrywood was also turned over to war use and its own population distributed across East Anglia and the East Midlands. As the Duston War Hospital, the asylum was put to extensive use for military cases being treated and recovering from injury. Many images survive of the hospital during this period of use. However, peace brought a return of the building and a return of its patient population. A change of name from asylum to mental hospital was to mark another period of growth and during the 1930's, extensions took place. These took the form of a new nurse's home, refurbishment of some of the staff residences, a new admission hospital (now the Pendered Centre) with two villas for male and female convalescent patients, sited on an adjacent site, away from the main complex.
Following World War II, ownership of the site passed to the National Health Service and the hospital, then known as St. Crispin, reached it's highest number of occupants. Two new villas for female working patients (Grafton and Eden Lodges)were constructed south of the female wing in 1954. The grounds to the south of the hospital farm was developed for mental handicap services during the early 1970's and was to be one of the last major long stay facilities of it's kind in England. Named the Princess Marina hospital, it provided a home for a number of Northampton patients previously resident at Bromham Hospital in Bedfordshire and although adjacent to St.Crispin, it was located within the Upton parish and access from the south. Kent Road, a drive which had pre-existed the new hospital was retained and adapted as the main access route, with an entrance off road to the south. Some facilities, particularly the laundry, were centralized and expanded at St. Crispin. A social club for staff was sited close to a remodeled entrance onto Berrywood Road.
Labels: abandoned , asylum , bell tower , derelict , disused , empty , Gallery , haunted , history , hospital , insane , Northampton , photography , structure , unsafe , urban , world war 1 , world war 2
Northampton Cattle Market - Brackmills - Northampton (DEMOLISHED)
Operators of the Northampton Cattle Market say the market at Brackmills has been losing thousands of pounds a month since reopening in February 2002 after the foot-and-mouth epidemic. Local farmers mounted a campaign to raise the £2m needed to buy the market and run it themselves. But, managing director of Northamptonshire Auctions plc Keith Rose said: "It's just that this market cannot operate with these overheads - we've got to close."
The livestock market shut on 31st October 2002, and reopen the next day in Market Harborough. Since the closure in 2002, The Cattle Market has became a huge hotspot for graffiti artists, from a distance you would not even realize that the building is abandoned, however once inside the calf sale ring you understand how long it has been left for. We went on from the Sale ring into the auction room, however inside the building has no sign of art or graffiti, but instead minor fire damage, general damage and minor drug use. One room has a larger scale of fire damage to walls and celings however is still accessable. Rooms include, the main auction room, cafe, animal storage room for livestock and other storage rooms, the building is all on ground floor level and does not have any other floors or basement.
The building is well worth a visit if you enjoy seeing proper graffiti art and old agricultural history. Like always do take care when visiting sites as vandals and junkies do tend to use these sites for other reasons, this site does have signs of possible parties that have gone on as one room is absolutely full of cans of beer and cider, there is also a huge industrial skip full of alcohol etc.
We have stickers now!
EverythingGoesQuiet now has stickers, Look out for them around the town. Both white and Green, Fancy tagging some places for us? - Let us know and we will send out some stickers!
Labels: advertising , promotion , stickers